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how to boot from an esternal usb hard disk

Hi guys

Excuse me if this is not the right list.
(And if it is not could you kindly point the correct one?)

I already try to find a solution looking at google, debian list,
http://wiki.debian.org/BootUsb and others links.

I intend to have an external usb hard disk w/ debian sarge inside which
I'd like to run at any machine. 
For this I have installed debian sarge normally w/ no error but after
that when I try to boot from any machine it doesn't work. 
I know that I need a boot floppy or a CDRom disk to boot. The problem is
that. How can I create a floppy/CDRom disk to boot from any machine that
could at grub install find my usb hard disk at first ( most machines
that I use does not have boot from  BIOS usb)??

( I would like to have it because I can bring my own mirror , scitps and
my home for install at clients without access to internet...80)

Is it possible?

thanks in advanced
Paulo Ricardo Bruck 

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