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Re: Bug#253404: Bug #253404: Set root's locale to POSIX on the installed system for "complex" (CJK, Indic, RTL...) languages

> Two things that puzzle me actually
> -    [...]   countrypart="${countrypart%%[@.]*}"
> -    [...]   countryline="$(echo "$line" | grep ";$countrypart\$" || true)"
> +    [...]   countryline="$(echo "$line" | grep ";$countrypart\$")"

Hmm, weird. I don't remember myself working on changes in that
part... Probably better not include this in the patch as this is
actually not really intended...

Maybe something related to Colin's recent changes to better support
preseeding for pt_BR and the like.

> What does this have to do with the extra level change? Looks more like a
> cleanup because there's no more @euro in the languagelist...
> Possibly a change that could cause unexpected breakage.
>  my @languagenames_ascii   = get_language_names($list,0);
>  my @languagenames_latin   = get_language_names($list,1);
> -my @languagenames_fb   = get_language_names($list,2);
> -my @languagenames_all   = get_language_names($list,3);
> +my @languagenames_fb   = get_language_names($list,3);
> +my @languagenames_all   = get_language_names($list,4);
>  my %translationmap  = get_translations($listl10n);
> I miss some kind of processing for level 2 here. Guess arrays for level2
> and 3 need to be added together in @languagenames_latin?

The get_language_names function gathers all languages of levels
*below* the level mentioned in the second argument.

So, the "my @languagenames_fb   = get_language_names($list,3)" line
gathers all languages below level 3 in the array.

At this place, we don't really need special processing for level 2
languages, which are languages that need the framebuffer for being
displayed in level 1 *but* can be displayed at the linux console.

The new levels 2 and 3 are a split of the former level 2. This is why
these languages have no special treatment in the localechooser
script....The only difference happens in the post-base-installer script.

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