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Re: Bug#253404: Bug #253404: Set root's locale to POSIX on the installed system for "complex" (CJK, Indic, RTL...) languages

On Thursday 02 March 2006 18:45, Christian Perrier wrote:
> Frans, you mentioned on IRC that you think this patch is broken or
> incomplete...however, I fail to understand what exactly you think is
> the problem. Could you explain this here, in the list (I'm loosely
> active on IRC these days)?

Two things that puzzle me actually

-    [...]   countrypart="${countrypart%%[@.]*}"
-    [...]   countryline="$(echo "$line" | grep ";$countrypart\$" || true)"
+    [...]   countryline="$(echo "$line" | grep ";$countrypart\$")"

What does this have to do with the extra level change? Looks more like a
cleanup because there's no more @euro in the languagelist...
Possibly a change that could cause unexpected breakage.

 my @languagenames_ascii   = get_language_names($list,0);
 my @languagenames_latin   = get_language_names($list,1);
-my @languagenames_fb   = get_language_names($list,2);
-my @languagenames_all   = get_language_names($list,3);
+my @languagenames_fb   = get_language_names($list,3);
+my @languagenames_all   = get_language_names($list,4);
 my %translationmap  = get_translations($listl10n);

I miss some kind of processing for level 2 here. Guess arrays for level2
and 3 need to be added together in @languagenames_latin?

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