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Re: installation of locales (particularly CJK locales) by the installer / taskse


Although it would be too late for Sarge, what I meant is that after the release of Sarge, tasksel should be somewhat restructured by adding "locales" as a new type of tasks and assign a "task" to EACH locale offered by the package locale (the locales shown by dpkg-reconfigure locales).

In another word, tasksel can consist of two menus, the first is as usual, which asks for which group of softwares to install (e.g. Desktop environment, web server, mail server etc.). Then a second menu can come up which asks for which locales should be installed (these locales are NOT limited to the locale used during the installation specified earlier in the installer). Then based on the selections in the locales menu, tasksel can subsequently work out which locale-specific packages or configuration (e.g. configure the locales package so that it creates all the locales selected in the locales menu) are NEEDED for the given groups of software chosen in the FIRST menu. This would allow installation of multi-language/locale system which is very useful for a multi-user environment where users speak different languages.

Under this new structure, each locale has its own language-task. For each particular language-task, core packages essential for display (fonts), printing (the necessary postscript processing or printing packages for the particular language/locale) and input (input method engine (such as iiimf) and the necessary extensions for input methods needed for the chosen languages) are designated as compulsary packages. In addition, maintainers of ALL packages are invited to specify locale-specific packages (if any) of their programmes to the appropriate language-tasks.

Then during installation, all tasksel has to do is to first look at and include the packages listed in the chosen software-group in the first menu, then it includes all of the compulsary packages / configurations for all selected locales. Tasksel subsequently search the package lists of ALL selected language-tasks for locale-specific extension packages (KDE and openoffice are good samples) applicable to software listed in the chosen group-task in the first menu. These matching locale-specific extension packages will be subsequently installed.

For each language task (all, not only Chinese), don't you think it is a good idea to invite local branches of the Debian.org society (e.g. debian.de for German, debian.org.hk for Traditional Chinese etc.) to manage (or at least contribute) their own language-task since they would be most experienced for what is required in their own language/locale. In this way, the new structure set up by us allow the work to be accomplished by the experts on that area (tasksel people (is that us?) manage this new structure and designate language-tasks; language-tasks managed by local debian-branches and individual software-maintainers add their locale-specific extensions to the language-tasks of the language their program offers) rather than placing all workload on the installer people.

Having said that, here are the info of my system for you although please don't count on me since I am no expert and I treaked my system by trial and error and reading


FWIW, there is still time to do this, if you tell me the configuration
options needed for X, I plan to do a l-c upload soon with some bug
fixes, and I'd be happy to have these locales supported as well.

Tony, I'd like the following info from you:

console keymaps (for CJK, if available)

locales used (please make as full a list as possible)

ja_JP.UTF-8 UTF-8

ko_KR.UTF-8 UTF-8

Trad. Chinese:
zh_TW BIG5
zh_TW.UTF-8 UTF-8

simplified Chinese:
zh_CN GB2312
zh_CN.UTF-8 UTF-8

Xkb options (namely, XkbRules, XkbLayout, XkbModel, XkbOptions,
configurations for GNOME/KDE (what is needed in the kderc for example)

I did not treak these keyboard options except I ran dpkg-reconfigure locales and I have included the locales mentioned above (perhaps X uses the available system locales and keymap generated by locales, I don't know.

For KDE, I've installed:
ghostscript/postscript extensions and fonts:
as in the webpages mentioned above

Mozilla, Firefox configuration files options (I could do that, if only
for CJK setups, because at least Firefox is automatically localized

add the lines:
pref("font.FreeType2.enable", true);

in /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/defaults/pref/firefox.js


do the same thing in /etc/mozilla/mozilla.js (?)

I can also do fontconfig post configuration in /etc/fonts/local.conf
(which I already do for greek).
What else would you like to see?

I have installed

ttf-baekmuk (korean)

ttf-kochi-gothic-naga10 (Japanese fonts in non-free group, its "main" version is the same name but without naga10)

However I am no expert in the Chinese localization. Therefore this is why I suggest we should invite the local debian.org branches to maintain their language tasks. Finally, is the structure/development of the overall tasksel structure done by us or by a tasksel group?

Good luck with the development of our future etch installer!


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