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Re: Countrychooser commited in CVS

Quoting Joey Hess (joeyh@debian.org):
> Shouldn't there be spaces between the country names in the Choices list?

Well, as this is automatically generated, I figured that this wasn't a
problem. The file is only processed by cdebconf which is very happy
with it as it is...

> I'm also concerned that this is a _very_ long list of countries to
> scroll through, but I have not actually ran the program yet.

Well, for sure it is long, but this is the Official List of Countries
in the World.....removing some of these would throw us into  very bad
political problems. So let's be very politically correct and use all
of them, including French Southern Territories... I'm pretty sure
Debian is used in Terre Adélie or Kerguelen Islands by the folks of
Météo French there...:-)

So, our only hope is a world becoming a bit less crazy and stopping to
create new countries monthly.....

Seriously speaking, the list sorting is more of a concern. 

I first need to add some sorting in English.....and after this, we
will be thrown in the known problem of translations sorting (which is
not countrychooser specific, by the way)

> > -look at other places which ask for a country (mirror location,
> >  timezone configuration) and adapt these for using
> >  debian-installer/country. However, the country list there is probably
> >  shorter than the world country list..:-)
> I wish we could somehow eliminate one of those other questions entirely,
> so the total number of questions asked by the installer remains the
> same.

I wish so too. The choose-mirror country list is a first good
target. The time zone configuraiton dialogs are not, probably because
of the multiple timezones in some exotic countries..:-)

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