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Bug#141769: Debian Woody on MVME2604-Motorola


I tried to install Woody from a CD on a MVME2604-Motorola (PPCBug). Unfortunately, the installation kernel did not work. The NCR driver just did what is described in:


scsi aborting commmand due to timeout : pid 0, scsi0, channel 0, id 0, lun 0, test unit ready 00 00 00 00
ncr53c8xx_abort : pid 0 serial_number=1 serial_number_timeout=1

so I was unable to install; the TFTP boot did not work: the machine did not send a single package, although the IP configuration seemed correct and the NIC was connected properly. Later I tried the 'tftp' tool and there was no problemd downloading 'boot.bin'; There was no floppy drive installed, so floppy installation was no option.

Fortunately, we had a SuSE SLES 8.0 for PowerPC to boot and install the machine. Then I tried debootstrap, but it did not work due to "GLIBC2.3-symbol not found"-something. Therefore I installed it on a i386 machine with '--arch powerpc' which did not complete, but I lost the output. Anyhow after copying /dev from SuSE anch 'chroot'-ing into it, it was good enough for another debootstrap and this installation worked fine using the SuSE kernel and modules.

Then I installed kernel-source-2.4.21/testing and used the .config of the SuSE kernel (zcat /proc/config.gz). This kernel worked fine after a

dd if=vmlinuz-2.4.21 of=/dev/sda1

I had a look at the NCR configuration and I noticed, that it uses the SYM53C8XX driver with


Unfortunately, I do not have access to the machine any more, but it should be possible to get the exact .config if needed.

Could someone please drop me a message, how I can create an installation CD using this kernel/modules and the current woody-powerpc-installation CD and/or describe the exact steps for TFTP boot?



P.S.: I am not subscribed.
Kurt Huwig             iKu Systemhaus AG        http://www.iku-ag.de/
Vorstand               Am Römerkastell 4        Telefon 0681/96751-0
k.huwig@iku-ag.de      66121 Saarbrücken        Telefax 0681/96751-66
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