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Bug#190937: anna: Patch

ons 2003-05-07 klockan 06.15 skrev David Nusinow:
> Enclosed is a patch for this issue. There are a few notes about it. The
> first is that the internal numbering scheme for anna.c is inconsistent.
> It appears that each error return was meant to be unique within the
> whole of the source file (numbered 1-x) but there are inconsistencies
> in this scheme. As such, there is an error code that now duplicates
> within the whole of the source file, but not within the function that
> returns it, so it should be Ok unless you implement a standard error
> code checker function. But in this case, you'll have to fix the
> numbering scheme anyhow.

Don't worry, I didn't really have any consistent ideas about the return
codes anyway. There were some bugs with the patch but I've corrected
them. Thanks. By the way, there were icky tabs in the patch, please
respect the indentation scheme of the files when writing patches (in the
case of anna, no tabs, only spaces, indent step is 4, I'll try to write
an indent.pro file for it).

> The other issue is that the functions simply return out if asprintf
> returns an error. While this isn't ideal, if you're dealing with such a
> low memory situation that you can't allocate a string, you've probably
> got bigger issues. Nonetheless, if you want better error handling, let
> me know and I'll see what I can do.

If we're that low on memory, we likely cannot do anything decent in the
way of reporting it! :)

Martin Sjögren
  sjogren@debian.org -- marvin@dum.chalmers.se
  GPG key: http://www.mdstud.chalmers.se/~md9ms/gpg.html
  let hello = "hello" : hello in putStr (unlines hello)

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