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Bug#123948: can someone test the patch?

#include <hallo.h>
Phil Blundell wrote on Fri Mar 01, 2002 um 12:23:12PM:

> How about a compromise.  If an attractive-looking CD is detected in the
> drive, pop up a single dialogue box at the beginning along the lines of
> "I see you have a Debian CD-ROM.  Do you want to use this as the source
> medium for all the installation files?".  If the user answers yes,

A good compromise. I suggest two kinds of flags on the CD-ROM:


The first marks the disk containing kernel and modules, the second the
one with the basedebs.

> behave as if they had booted with the "cdrom" argument and suppress all
> the media-selection menus; if they answer no, prompt as usual.

I looked trough the source, and I would like to rewrite most of the
cruft, beginning with is_cdrom_image().

<shorty_> Fuchur: Finger weg von Inn, damit kannn man sich schneller als
        einem lieb ist in den Fuss schiessen.
<shorty_> Fuchur: Vertraue mir.
<Joey> Hmm, shorty kling so als koenne er die Loecher in seinen Fuessen
        nicht mehr zaehlen...
                                  -- #debian.de

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