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Re: netbooting root.bin?

> For the most part, things go well.  The installer actually does load up.
> DHCP at this point fails (haven't sniffed the wire yet to see if it's
> requesting one) but a static IP assignment for this purpose is fine.  It
> does fetch machine packages over http.  However, at some point, it goes
> back to try and pull from the floppy disk, which of course I didn't boot
> off of.  I'm *assuming* that it wants to get the kernel off the boot
> floppy.

FWIW, I've been doing exactely that the last days, successfully; 
versions involved (on the server):

ii  syslinux       1.48-2         Bootloader for Linux/i386 using MS-DOS flopp
ii  dhcp           2.0pl4-2       DHCP server for automatic IP address assignm
ii  tftpd-hpa      0.14-2         HPA's tftp server

the DHCP and tftp server is a potato box; tftpd-hpa is the woody one 
built on potato (because the pxelinux [or was it the PXE bios?] needs
tftp tsize support, IIRC).

bootdisk images are potato/current, i.e. 2.2.26-2001-06-14, idepci/root.bin
and idepci/linux. 


LABEL debian
KERNEL linux
APPEND load_ramdisk=1 ramdisk_size=16384 root=/dev/ram0 initrd=root.bin  disksize=1.44

DHCP from dbootstrap's "configure the network" step works, and the 
whole installation too; the machine I installed has no floppy drive, 
but at least I've seen no floppy-related error messages.



** christian mock in vienna, austria -- http://www.tahina.priv.at/~cm/
Ich beraube mich doch nicht des Vergnügens zu beobachten, wie sich diese
zarte Knospe der Dummheit weiter entfaltet.
 Markus Pirchner ueber xxx in abm-mi

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