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Re: cvs commit to boot-floppies by pb

On Sun, Dec 02, 2001 at 11:49:08PM +0000, Philip Blundell wrote:
> >Oh, so that's why I'm still getting ?'s instead of accents and
> >incomplete lines?
> No, it shouldn't make any difference in that respect.  Can you be more specific
> about the problems you're having?

I'm building some catalan-enabled floppies, with no LANG_CHOOSER.
It looks like dbootstrap isn't started under the right locale, as it
shows 8bit characters like "?" in some places, and in others, it cuts
the line:

"Instal·lar moduls etc"
is shown as

This is what many reported a while ago, but I thought it should have
been fixed by newt and bogl-term. It's still happening, although I've
got the lastest packages installed here.

If I try installing even if I can't see much of the menus, I have to
stop when the network isntaller tries to fetch the Release file from a
mirror, it dies with "malformed release file". And I've never got
anywhere further from that point. wgetting the file by hand in the shell
worked, and I tried many mirrors, both ftp and http. I don't think it's
a mirror problem.

That was with udma100-ext3 flavour.

Jordi Mallach Pérez || jordi@pusa.informat.uv.es || Rediscovering Freedom,
   aka Oskuro in    || jordi@sindominio.net      || Using Debian GNU/Linux
 Reinos de Leyenda  || jordi@debian.org          || http://debian.org

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