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busybox wget

So I'm looking at busybox wget, with an eye to using it as the core of
the http retreiver. Observations:

* The chunked transfer encoding thing is a killer. Seems to break it on
  a pretty large number of web sites. I guess you know about this
* joey@gumdrop:~>busybox wget -c http://slashdot.org/            
  wget: cannot parse url: slashdot.orgdot.org
  (No comment ;-)
* The continuation support is nice to have, but if a server does not support
  it, it should fall back to doing a transfer w/o ranges. This would let
  code just always turn on -c and have it do the right thing, I think.
* -O - does not cause it to output to stdout. Of course, if it *did*,
  the progress display would need to be turned off or go to stderr, or
  the download would be corrupted by the progress display anyway.
* Support for redirections would be nice, but it not, I suppose,

see shy jo

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