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Re: [debian installer] main menu


I want to add, that until we have i18n'ed debconf and dpkg,
debian-installer won't support any other languages than english.
It's not good. This subject (i18n'izing of dpkg) was discussed in
debian-i18n and debian-dpkg, AFAIR, and if that thoughts wil came to
reality installer will support many languages automatically. (!)  

++ 05/10/00 03:53 -0700 - Joey Hess:
> Just thought I'd mention I now have a rudimentary little 6k program written
> that uses debconf to display the main menu for the installer, after
> processing the status file and sorting it in various ways to properly order
> the menu. Here is it running on a sample status file I've check into cvs:

Thank you.

Peter Novodvorsky,
IPLabs Linux Team member: petya@logic.ru
Debian developer: nidd@debian.org

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