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Re: tzconfig error with translations

Risko Gergely <risko@njszki.hu>:

> Hello!
> >  That might be interesting, and if you can build it with `make
> >  DEBUG=true' then attach to it using gdb and get a stack trace that
> >  might help you find the problem.  Do you know how to do that?
> No. :))

The general technique is as follows:

If you've got a program that you can make crash (but which doesn't
just crash as soon as you run it) then you first run the program. Then
you find the program's pid ("ps aux | grep PROGRAM_NAME") and, in a
different xterm or virtual terminal, you cd to where the program was
built and run "gdb PROGRAM_NAME PID". If this works, gdb attaches to
the running program and stops it. You then tell gdb "c" (continue), go
back to the running program and make it crash. If you now go back to
where gdb is running you should see a report of what happened. If you
type "where" you get a stack trace which tells you where it happened.

I'm not sure exactly what your set-up is, but if the system you're
installing on is different from the system you built boot-floppies on,
then perhaps you can "mount buildsys:/ /mnt -o ro" and "cd
/mnt/usr/src/boot-floppies/utilities/dbootstrap" and run gdb as
/mnt/usr/bin/gdb ...

I'll try to reproduce the problem myself this evening if it hasn't
been resolved by then.


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