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Re: [vague discussion] woody boot-floppies plans

Bruce Sass (bsass@freenet.edmonton.ab.ca) spake thusly:

> So, instead of the existing: do a step, check the system, do another
> step, check the system, etc.  It would be: define the system the user 
> wants to end up with, prompt to resolve problems (missing bits, config
> conflicts, etc.), start installing.

Have you seen the Mandrake 7 install?  It doesn't work exactly like how I 
think we want, but why not have a clickable tasklist sidebar, with checks 
next to steps completed already, and emphasize the required uncompleted
steps in some way...



Leon Breedt         | C::PHP::Perl::Python Developer
Obsidian Systems    | http://obsidian.co.za
GnuPG Fingerprint   | 8A56 0554 FC35 053F 46AF 41FE 8581 7643 45EF AAE1

I'm a cynic, but my heart's not in it.

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