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Re: resc1440tecra ok but image?

>>>>> "Fabrizio" == Fabrizio Polacco <fpolacco@icenet.fi> writes:
Fabrizio> When, during my experiments, I smoked out my custom kernel,
Fabrizio> I simply had to reinstall the custom kernel-image.  On my
Fabrizio> first attempt, useng the floppy found on the net, when I
Fabrizio> wiped away the good kernel and had no .deb , I had to start
Fabrizio> with the rescue disk, mount all my partition (without
Fabrizio> initialize them :-) and install system and modules. Then I
Fabrizio> had problem with pcmcia.

Fabrizio> My feeling is that we MUST put the tecra kernel-image AND
Fabrizio> corresponding pcmcia-modules packages in the distribution.

Fabrizio> Not doing this, we also break the promise of reproducibility
Fabrizio> of the boot-floppies package.

I actually totally agree with you.  Not to mention possible licensing

Anyhow, the other ports are just as guilty of this... I think it's
important that the boot floppies can be built by anyone.

On other platforms it's even worse, or just as bad, for instance, I
can't even build a sparc64 kernel image in Debian/sparc for my sun4u
using materials from the debian archive, period!!

However, it's a problem we'll have to solve in potato, not in
slink... or so I hope.

.....Adam Di Carlo....adam@onShore.com.....<URL:http://www.onShore.com/>

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