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Re: Appropriate arch/kernel for a Dell Precision 380?

On 7/28/05, Lennart Sorensen <lsorense@csclub.uwaterloo.ca> wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 28, 2005 at 02:12:04PM -0700, Meistro Master wrote:
> > What's weird is that the keyboard works fine initially, because I can
> > select the boot parameters and so forth. I am using the installer from
> The boot prompt uses bios calls, the language selector uses the linux
> kernel interface to the hardware.  Different interface -> different
> behaviour. :)
> > http://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/unofficial/sarge-amd64/iso-cd/debian-31r0a-amd64-binary-1.iso
> >
> > I do have two SATA hard drives; perhaps I need a newer boot kernel?
> > Reading through the list archives it sounds like people have had some
> > issues with SATA pre-2.6.12.
> >
> > Are there snapshots in .ISO form? Thanks for your help, Len!
> Well from what I read today, the current snapshots aren't building for
> some reason, and there have been some trouble with the new 2.6.12
> kernels partially due to a name change.
> Feel free to try my unofficial sarge image with 2.6.12 though.
> http://www.tinyplanet.ca/~lsorense/amd64/

Well, I tried your unofficial image, with the same results: locks on
the language selection screen.

Just for the hell of it, I through in the official Sarge i386 CD
installer, and... it works. I'll see if I can get one of the smp em64t
kernels running on it. Kind of bummed that the amd64 port won't seem
to take. Is there any way I can pull logs/debug info from the failed
installations? I would be willing to extract it if it would help the
port team.

Thanks again for all the tips.


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