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Re: 2.4.21 on alpha

On Tue, 2003-07-01 11:38:04 -0700, Chris Hecker <checker@d6.com>
wrote in message <[🔎]>:
> >Wild guess here, does echo -n fix it?
> I was using echo -n in my failed experiments (I also locked when cat'ing 
> from one to the other, in reference to the other poster).  I just chalked 
> it up to my alpha (pc164) being really old).

When I developend that module, I used more-or-less one of the oldest
machines - a NoName (aka AXPpci33) board. Your board (and firmware) is
newer, for sure:)

Some time ago, I moved to a new flat and currently, my cellar isn't
ready for hosting my machines. When it's ready to use, I'll do some
surgery on the module, I promise!


   Jan-Benedict Glaw       jbglaw@lug-owl.de    . +49-172-7608481
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    fuer einen Freien Staat voll Freier Bürger" | im Internet! |   im Irak!
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