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Re: installing xfree86

Althaler und Oblasser wrote:
> i installed the packages in the above order. i run the dselect.
> i use a quadra 605 with 36 ram and use linux on a zip drive with 18 MB scratch.

See, that's a bit of information that was missing. Macs tend to be
because the kernel for Mac isn't really stable yet.

> i this mornig i installed the vmlinux-2.1.130-981202.gz kernel which was
> the first 2.1.xxx that worked at all (linux2.1.120-980924,
> linux2.1.131-990102 did not), and finally i installed the

What was the problem with those kernels? I'm asking because 2.1.130 was only 
experimental and the source has been trashed again, 2.1.131 is the current
experimental and should work as good as 2.1.130.

> xcontrib_3.3.1-2.deb package.
> my last errorcode was
> fatal server error, cannot open mouse.

That's easy to fix, and a fix has been posted to this list and the newsgroup
numerous times. In short, you need to create /dev/adbmouse (char device, 
major 10, minor 10) and symlink it to /dev/mouse.

> i should buy a linux book Wolfgang Oblasser

Can't hurt, but Linux books won't tell you anything on Macs (or m68k for
that matter). The list archives are a good place to look. 


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