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Re: [Debconf-team] Updating volunteering/teams pages


On Sun, Mar 15, 2015 at 10:29:35AM -0400, Tassia Camoes Araujo wrote:
> On 2015-03-15 04:45, martin f krafft wrote:
> >
> >following Jack's e-mail about volunteering for the website team,
> >I noticed that http://debconf15.debconf.org/volunteer.xhtml referred
> >to the "old" teams structure and I updated it. Please have a look
> >and make any additional changes, as you see required.
> >
> Thanks for doing that!

> I agree the Teams page should be the main point of entrance for new
> volunteers.

Yes.  I actually have an example case:  On my last trip to Vietnam I
learned to know a very engaged woman who has neither a technical nor a
free software background but would IMHO perfectly fit in DebConf
organisation.  She is involved in organising events for our partner city
and I consider her very helpful and bright minded.  I "tested" my
impression when I asked her to provide a translation of


four hours later we had the translation in Vietnamese.  Paul Wise seem
to share my opinion[1] based on the "story" above.  I just wrote a mail
to Nattie as head of "Participant assistance team" and I think this team
is the best entry point for Minh (which is her name).  The answers on
debian-women were to sparse (hey, why do mostly men answer there? ;-))
to get her some grip and a detailed job to do to prove her skills.  So
we somehow need some kind of task list which is easy to understand and
someone who volunteers to guide kindly in case of questions (a bit like
my Mentoring of the Month for packaging).  While I would volunteer to
guide her into DebConf things I personally also do not have any clue
what task she could do even now to prove her honest interest.

Any hints?

See you in Heidelberg


[1] https://lists.debian.org/debian-women/2015/03/msg00003.html


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