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Three V questions

Hello all,

After spending some time getting to grips with V I now have an app that
actually does something and thanks go to everyone who made this possible!

There are a few tidying up bits I'd like to achieve, however.

Firstly, what is the best way of having a modal dialog remember it's
settings between calls? I have a textin and a radio button group.

Also, is there a way to determine which field in a dialog gets initial
focus? I have a dialog that operates in New and Edit mode. For New, the
first field is to be entered and gets focus by default which is great but in
Edit mode this field is disabled and I'd like focus to be on the second

And finally, does the latest V release relax the restriction on maximum
length of c_lists? I'd like to populate them from database tables and there
are very many with > 128 items. Currently I'm using a cut down texteditor
canvas instead.

Thanks in anticipation

Dan Osborne
Specialist Business Solutions Ltd.

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