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New user question

Hello Everyone,

 I am a new V user.  I compiled the 1.20 library and example apps
today.  I am working on a Linux i386 system using the Athena
widget set.  I noticed something odd when I was running the
example apps.  When the "vide" program started it only used 50% of
the window.  When I opened a source file the new window did the
same thing... everything was squished to the left and the right half
of the window was empty.  Resizing the window corrected the 
problem.  The vide was the only app that I noticed the behavior

 Has anyone else seen this happen?  Is there a workaround or fix?

 I am excited about using V and happy to see that there is a 
support list available.  

Thanks for your time in answering my question.

* Roger C. Scudder Jr. - Professional Internet Hobo *

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