V GUI Discussion List
Initial Posting to V GUI Discussion List Nov 25th 1998
Since I receive several mails from people who try to subscribe to the
vgui-dicuss list while they're still on (well, I receive them with a
comment) I guess I should send an initial posting.
So if you receive this mail, you're already subscribed to the new list
vgui-discuss@other.debian.org. You don't have to resubscribe. I have
inserterd the old subscription list that Bruce has provided me.
For regular submission please use vgui-discuss@other.debian.org.
To subscribe send a mail with the subject "subscribe" to
vgui-discuss-REQUEST@other.debian.org. The list will be archived
on http://www.debian.org/Lists-Archives/ as other-vgui-discuss-yymm/ .
If you come from outside of Finland, you live in wrong country.
-- motd of irc.funet.fi
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