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SPI membership page process

Craig, here are the procedures for applicants to follow.  Let me know 
where there isn't enough detail please. Anyone else is welcome to chime 
in with suggestions after having read the membership section of the 
bylaws (URL below) :)


- we have contributing and non-contributing memberships
- non-contributing memberships should be automagically granted with a 
valid email address (somewhat like the list subscription confirmation 
- contributing memberships can be handled basically like the debian NM 


- no expiration
- these members are just 'supporters' of SPI with no real obligations 
etc. but with their membership they indicate that they support the 
principles of SPI
- registration: register with email addr and passwd (automatically 
generate passwd?)
- automatic confirmation to that email address
- ability to recover passwd by entering email addr and having the 
passwd resent
- can apply for contrib membership by submitting list of contributions 
for review/approval by membership committee

- these do expire (in 2 years- not fixed yet)  When they do, they 
become non-contrib members
- must have made significant contributions to the free software 
community, as determined by the membership committee.
- registration happens as follows:
- get name, email, list of contributions, contact info
- membership committee looks at application and decides if enough info 
is there
- if enough info, he's approved, pgp key is required for voting etc.
- if not enough info, ask for more info
- if not enough contributions, non-contributing membership is offered

Here are some blurbs for the signup page:
- radiobutton field for choice of contributing or non contributing 
Contributing members should have made a significant contribution to the 
software community, and are eligible to vote in the organization.
Anyone can apply for a non-contributing membership.  This simply 
support for SPI and the principles and goals it represents.
For more details, please see the SPI Bylaws 

If you choose to apply for a contributing membership, please describe 
contributions you have made to the free software community.  This can 
consist of programs written and distributed under free licenses, 
rendered to organizations that support the free software community, etc.
[text field for entry of this information]

- at the bottom:
Thank you for applying for membership.  A confirmation of your 
will be mailed to you at the email address you provided.  You may 
update or
change the information you provided by accessing this page using the 
password in that email.

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