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Re: Changes for the Bylaws

On Thu, Jul 22, 1999 at 02:19:39PM +0200, Nils Lohner wrote:
> Any objections to changing that to something more appropriate like:
> "At any regular or special meeting if a majority so requires, any question 
> may be voted upon in the manner and style deemed appropriate by the 
secretary or chairman or [presiding person] of the meeting in that order."

In other words, if it's a, say, board meeting and the secretary isn't
there.. the chairman isn't there (BTW, the chairman doesn't have to be the
president, but I would image SPI, it will probably always be), the person
who's presiding over the meeting....

>  At all meetings, except for the election of officers and directors, all 
> votes shall be viva voce, or electronically cast except that for election of 
> officers ballots shall be provided and there shall not appear any place on 
> such ballot any mark or marking that might tend to indicate the person who 
> cast such ballot.
I still think this will be difficult... it will have to be paper pen,
nothing electronic can meet the last sentence (not idicating...)

Other than that... shipit... 
Please cc all mailing list replies to me, also.
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