Re: [DRAFT 3]: Charter for the Open Source Committee
Darren O. Benham writes:
> On Sat, Nov 06, 1999 at 10:49:23PM -0500, Russell Nelson wrote:
> > The DRAFT Resolution makes no mention of the Open Source Initiative.
> > I see this as a problem, given that I am a member of the board of OSI.
> SPI and OSI are seperate entities.. there is no reason for an SPI
> resolution to make mention of OSI unless there was going to be some sort of
> cooperative or other "business" with OSI.
Then I ask that SPI transfer the domain names open-?source.{org,net}
to OSI. If not, then why not? There is no Open Source trademark, and
SPI has no particular mandate from the 12/98 consultation to manage
Open Source. Historically, OSI has maintained the domain, and done so
in a responsible manner (including changing the NS records on the
domain on an emergency basis to maintain service, which action SPI
> Now, there are members of OSI's board that hold the respect of SPI Board
> members as individuals (Tim Sailor and Ian Murdock come to mind for me) so
Tim Sailer has not been on the board since 13 Mar 99.
-russ nelson <>
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