On Tue, Mar 30, 1999 at 03:59:24PM -0800, Christoph Lameter wrote: > How would the membership delegate those things? Election? Err... I was just presenting contrasts... > > In fact, any decision of the BOD or any committee should be overridable by > > a vote of the membership.. but the process should be made troublesome > > enough that every person with a hair on their pimple can't contest > > everything. > > How about a petition scheme. If a petition is pgp signed by 10% of the > membership then a vote will be taken which can override any decision of > leadership? I'd prefer a seconds approach, personally. Maybe 10% of the body "seconds" it... but 10% of the people have to sign? 100+ signatures on one document? Maybe I'm misunderstanding you... > > Another possibility is to let the people volunteer for the committee and > > let the committee choose the head.... > > That depends on the situation I would think but we need to have some kind > of governing structure that approves these things. Hopefully simple. The BOD accepts and appoints the committee members... no approval necessary for them choosing their own leader. -- Please cc all mailing list replies to me, also. ========================================================================= * http://benham.net/index.html <gecko@benham.net> <>< * * -------------------- * -----------------------------------------------* * Debian Developer, Debian Project Secretary, Debian Webmaster * * <gecko@debian.org> <secretary@debian.org> <webmaster@debian.org> * * <lintian-maint@debian.org> * =========================================================================
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