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Re: Who owns what???

In message <[🔎] 19990326145132.B1601@cogs.susx.ac.uk>, Luis Francisco Gonzalez 
>I was interested in 
>"I guess we are finding out that there are many open
>source spokesmen, but Eric owns the Open Source Initiative trademark"
>Now, is there such a thing as the OSI(tm) or is he refering to the OS(tm) 
>if so, shouldn't SPI at least contradict this?
AFAICT there is no such thing as the OSI(tm), only the OS(tm) and SPI is 
the owner of that and it it being managed by OSI at present.  
www.uspto.gov can verify this- just do a search for Open Source.

Regards, Nils.

>Luis Francisco Gonzalez <luisgh@cogs.susx.ac.uk>
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