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Bug#1012196: buglist

Control: tags -1 -moreinfo

> Hm... You did not answer where you have got the original from.
> This file seems to be very different from d3.js in https://github.com/d3/d3/releases/download/v3.4.9/d3.zip I was quite sure to use exactly the file from this source. May be it was broken after the automatic reformating.
However, I reformatted the original file by hand.

> Also, plugins/playlistanalyzer/ext/LICENSE (BSD-3-clause) needs to be copyied to d/copyright.
> CC0-1.0 is availabe in /usr/share/common-licenses/CC0-1.0, so please reference this file instead of copying it verbosely
> to d/copyright.

> Please remove debian/readme as it does not contain additional info.
How can I remove it? For now I just use an empty file, because without readme it won't build.

> There are two problems with d/changelog:
> Please use the luzip665 <luzip665@posteo.de> name/email for the signature lines > because exaile <exaile-devel@googlegroups.com> is obviously not a natural person.
> The "Beta release" description is not true anymore.
> Please just write "Reintroduce package (Closes: #785897)".

> Your d/watch file does not work. You want to scan GitHub releases and not tags and fix the version regex. > Also, your orig tarball does not fit the released tar.gz because it has differences in pt.po.
> Please test the download via uscan --download-current-version.

One question:
How should I use lintian locally?
If I run it with the .changes-file or with the .deb it just outputs nothing. I'm running it on Debian unstable.

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