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Bug#974209: RFS: human-theme-gtk/1.1.0-1 [ITP] -- Human theme for GTK

Control: tags -1 moreinfo
Control: owner -1 !

Hi Fabrice,


thanks for your persitence of the package.
It looks almost fine, but I have troubles with the postinst:
- The logic should not be needed, as libpango is new enough in Debian
- If such a logic is required, it should be done at build-time, not modify
  the package at install-time. 

(JFTR, dpkg --compare-version would be your friend anyways.)

d/rules has a weird mv? Why not naming the file correctly in the first place?
(this would one to drop the override completly...)

I see you install that file in /etc/profile.d .. Can you expand what you want to
achieve with that file?

Please remove the "moreinfo" tag when you're ready for a second round of review!


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