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Bug#983146: 983146 RFS: bung/3.1.1-1 [ITP] -- backup next generation

To all who have contributed to this bug report: Antonio, Bart, Gurkan, Robin and Tobias

Thanks for your help and your patience as I have naively struggled to comply with Debian standards. Apart from doc-base I think the package is now fully compliant.

No sponsors have come forward.  Please suggest how I might find one.

Here's what I have done already ...

I viewed https://wiki.debian.org/Teams and http://web.archive.org/web/20090908094500/http://krum.ethz.ch/ddc/teams-of-2007.txt but did not find any appropriate teams to ask for sponsorship

I used https://packages.debian.org/search?keywords=backup&searchon=names&suite=stable&section=all and https://packages.debian.org/search?keywords=backup&searchon=all&suite=stable&section=all to find packages functionally related to bung and to note their maintainers. I haven't written to any of them yet, partly because it would be intrusive and partly because it is not obvious that just because they maintain a related package they would have any interest in sponsoring bung

FWIW here's the list

backupninja pkg-backupninja@lists.riseup.net micah@riseup.net intrigeri@debian.org jerome@riseup.net

backuppc team+pkg-backuppc@tracker.debian.org tobi@debian.org abe@debian.org

bacula-director pkg-bacula-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org

cedar-backup2 and cedar-backup3 pronovic@debian.org

chiark-backup ijackson@chiark.greenend.org.uk

dirvish paul@debian.org

flexbackup kbk@shore.net

luckybackup pmatthaei@debian.org

mariadb-backup pkg-mysql-maint@lists.alioth.debian.org otto@debian.org

rdiff-backup chaica@ohmytux.com

rsbackup rsbackup-maint@lists.alioth.debian.org matthew@debian.org

slbackup debian-edu-pkg-team@lists.alioth.debian.org sunweaver@debian.org werner@debian.org

vbackup v13@v13.gr



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