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Bug#980562: RFS: shellingham/1.3.2-1 [ITP] -- Tool to Detect Surrounding Shell

Control: owner -1 !

On Wednesday, January 20 2021, Emmanuel Arias wrote:

>  shellingham (1.3.2-1) unstable; urgency=medium
>  .
>    * Initial release (Closes: #980483)

Thanks for the interest in packaging.  Some things I'd like you to fix
before the upload:

1) You don't need to specify "--test=pytest" on d/rules.

2) python3-shellingham is Suggesting python3-shellingham-doc, which
doesn't exist.

3) The package ships with a README.rst.  I prefer installing it as part
of the documentation.  Just add README.rst to a debian/docs file.

4) You're licensing the contents under debian/ as GPL-3+, which is a
different license than what upstream is using.  Is there any particular
reason that made you choose to do this?  Do you understand the
implications of choosing a different license than the one upstream is
using here?

5) On d/copyright, the text of the ISC license should be formatted with
one leading space only.  I'd also prefer if you could include the full
text of the license.

6) There's an empty line at the end of d/watch.  Please remove it.


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