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Bug#912736: RFS: apt-listbugs/0.1.25

On Mon, 5 Nov 2018 00:39:48 +0100 Francesco Poli wrote:

> I had thought about doing so, but I could not figure out how to handle
> the situation: what information should the LICENSE file contain?
> Pretty the same as debian/copyright, I guess.
> If this is indeed the case, then I would rather avoid keeping them
> consistent (or even identical by copying one into the other) by hand.
> But I have to keep debian/copyright in the source package, in order to
> comply with Debian Policy (at least, it seems to me that there is a
> "should" rule in [Policy 12.5]). At the same time, the LICENSE file
> should committed to the git repository (otherwise Salsa will not see
> it...). Hence, neither file can be generated at build time by copying
> from the other.
> Do you have a good solution for this impasse?!?

After taking a look at how the same situation is handled in apt,
I guess I could:

 • only commit the LICENSE file to the git repository

 • then add the following lines to the debian/rules file:

             cp LICENSE debian/copyright
             dh_clean -O--buildsystem=ruby

That way, the debian/copyright file will not be stored in the git
repository, but will be present (as a copy of the LICENSE file) in the
Debian source package, thus complying with Debian Policy.

Did I get it right?

 There's not a second to spare! To the laboratory!
..................................................... Francesco Poli .
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