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Bug#807763: Looking for help to solve licence and third-party issues of the tomahawk-player package


>after the first review of my draft of the tomahawk-player package, I
>discussed the problem with the developers of the player and I commented
>all point of the review. Unfortunately, I didn't get any further
>response and so I really do not know what to do next.
>Because of this circumstance, I ask you to help me to solve the licence
>and third-party issues. I want to bring tomahawk-player to debian but at
>the moment, I do not know how.

please ping me when the jreen is accepted, I'll go in a new review spin.
BTW, are clementine images the same as the tomahawk-player has?
so in this case if clementine is accepted and in Debian I think the images
are DFSG.
please point to the sources, and look if the copyright shows them.

We might even end up in an RC bug against clementine :)



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