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Bug#781952: RFS:complexity/1.2-1 [ITP] -- tool for analyzing the complexity of C program functions

On Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 11:45:10AM +0300, Dmitry Bogatov wrote:
> * Gianfranco Costamagna <costamagnagianfranco@yahoo.it> [2015-11-04 17:38:33+0000]
> > Hi, according to [1] [2] [3] FDL with the "no invariant" section is not considered DFSG.
> Well, I moved complexity-doc into 'non-free/doc' (!) section.
> Lintian complains, that I build free and non-free binaries from same
> source package, but separating doc into almost-identical source package
> and keeping them in sync is insane.

(the following is based on my opinion and impressions of how the Debian
archive, mirrors, and autobuilders work; if it is incorrect, corrections
would not merely be appreciated, but also very much welcome)

Well, the problem with this is that if your source package contains
files that are distributed under a non-DFSG license, your source package
may not be distributed in the Debian archive's "main" section.  Thus, it
will not be "visible" to the Debian autobuilders and, even if it does
build binary packages that target the "main" or "contrib" sections,
those packages will never be automatically built and uploaded.

Of course, your packages may still be uploaded manually; I believe that
this is the way the "non-free" section of the archive works (cue remark
about how "non-free" may or may not even be considered a part of
the archive).  Still, I don't think that this is the way that you would
prefer it to happen - every time your package needs to be updated, a
Debian developer with upload access should manually build it for all
the supported architectures... and, of course, this might have to
happen with library transitions, too, most probably leaving your package
broken (uninstallable) until somebody steps in, rebuilds it manually,
and uploads it.

It is certainly ultimately your call as the package maintainer; I just
thought you'd want to be aware of the implications :)


Peter Pentchev  roam@ringlet.net roam@FreeBSD.org pp@storpool.com
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