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Bug#801237: mactel-boot review

On 2015-10-23 21:47, Bernhard Reiter wrote:
> Am 2015-10-23 um 18:47 schrieb Gianfranco Costamagna:
>> Control: owner -1 ! Control: tags -1 moreinfo
>> Hi, the packaging looks fine, however I don't understand what the 
>> code is supposed to do.
>> seems that the purpose of this code is to send an ioctl call and 
>> nothing more?
> That's correct -- its sole purpose is to set an HFS+ partition as
> bootable. See the included man file, and
> http://heeris.id.au/2014/ubuntu-plus-mac-pure-efi-boot/#fixing-efi for
> some more context.

That article seems to contain some misinformation. For example:

  | So why is the system unbootable? The problem is that the Mac
  | bootloader expects the EFI partition to be formatted as HFS+, the
  | typical Mac filesystem.

I have a MacBook Air (2013), and the EFI system partition came formatted
as FAT. Isn't this even required by the spec?

At least with Jessie, installation was a breeze. With wheezy and
earlier, I remember having to jump a few hoops to get everything running
smoothly (like "blessing" from within OSX, and what not), but Jessie
just worked out of the box.

A one-step alternative that has always worked for me was copying
Debian's grubx64.efi to the default boot/bootx64.efi in the ESP, and
newer versions of grub offer to do this automatically for you.

[To be clear: I don't mean to say that mactel-boot isn't useful, only
that the article above should probably be double-checked.]


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