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Bug#784132: RFS: pyshp/1.2.1-2

On Sun, May 3, 2015 at 7:21 PM, Ross Gammon wrote:

> I am looking for a sponsor for my package "pyshp"

I don't intend to sponsor this (I guess sebastic or dapal will) but
here is a review:

I get 3 different tarballs from Debian, mentors and uscan:

$ md5sum debian/* mentors/* uscan/*
50cb2dac19110694015638c94bda8920  debian/pyshp_1.2.1.orig.tar.gz
da41c97c3400256efa400d919df68f92  mentors/pyshp_1.2.1.orig.tar.gz
156654b3c7878c4a31d27e4b9dc34377  uscan/pyshp_1.2.1.orig.tar.gz

Looking at the output of debbindiff, the files in the tarballs don't
differ, just their meta-data, so it isn't a big deal. It would be nice
if upstream wouldn't regenerate their tarballs or if they had a
reproducible process for building tarballs.

I don't know enough about python packaging, but I thought the dh
invocation should be:

dh $@ --with python2,python3

I wonder if override_dh_auto_install is needed, that sort of thing
should be done by the helpers these days.

You might consider switching to pybuild:


The debian/copyright file is missing a couple of fields that are
present in the example copyright file:


You may want to add an upstream meta-data file:


You may want to add some more debtags, in particular field::geography.


I'd encourage upstream to remove README.pdf and README.html from the
source tarball in favour of building them from source at build time.

The upstream setup.py isn't executable, you might want to ask them to fix that.

Are some parts of shapefiles really little-endian and some
big-endian?? What a bizarre format :)

Automatic checks:


$ lintian

P: pyshp source: debian-watch-may-check-gpg-signature

$ codespell --quiet-level=3
./README.txt:265: dicussed  ==> discussed
./README.txt:490: seperate  ==> separate
./README.txt:551: nmae  ==> name

$ pep8 --ignore W191 .
<lots of output>

$ pyflakes .
./shapefile.py:561: local variable 'shapeRecords' is assigned to but never used
./shapefile.py:658: local variable 'shapeType' is assigned to but never used

$ pyflakes3 .
./shapefile.py:85: undefined name 'basestring'
./shapefile.py:561: local variable 'shapeRecords' is assigned to but never used
./shapefile.py:658: local variable 'shapeType' is assigned to but never used

$ grep -riE 'fixme|todo|hack|xxx' .
./shapefile.py:        # TODO: Implement expressions to select shapes.
./shapefile.py:        #TODO: Implement validation method



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