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Bug#699824: Updated package

Hello Benjamin,

some notes on your package:

1) Please, use DEP-3 for patches, just add at least short Description,
Author and Last-Update fields.

2) Where is it possible to download a tar.gz, which is shipped with the

3) Please, use VCS for maintaining your package. You can do it on
collab-maintain or in one of available teams. It will be easier to
maintain/review your package, using VCS.

4) Why do you patch tipp10.desktop, if you have one more desktop-file in

5) Add debian/watch file.

6) You have html-documentation, it should have be indicated in
corresponding doc-base files.

7) Add a manpage, at least a short one, describing the minimal

8) Can you use the name /usr/bin/tipp10 instead of /usr/bin/tipp10launcher?

9) Use --parallel option in debian/rules for faster buildings on
many-cores build-machines.

10) Use "lintian" over .changes file for controlling your package.

On 02/14/2013 12:19 PM, Benjamin Eltzner wrote:
> When the program is started and finds no sql database in its working
> directory, it produces a database via ~5000 sql queries which takes
> about 5 minutes. During this procedure the program is stalled. This is
> unacceptable and while it would be best to optimize the sql queries and
> handle the database creation in a separate thread, I decided for the
> time being to create a template database and fetch it in the debian
> folder. This increases the installed size of the program by 500 KB
> (~10%), which I find acceptable.

Is it possible to find another solution for that? You are putting
"binary" (compressed gz-file) into the debian-folder. It is not allowed.

Thanks for trying to put a new package into Debian. Bit it needs to be
updated before uploading.

Best regards,


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