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Re: Standard NBD URL syntax (again)

On 5/20/19 4:20 AM, Richard W.M. Jones wrote:
> Previous discussion:
> https://lists.debian.org/nbd/2018/07/msg00002.html
> Again I'm stuck because we need a URL syntax for NBD.
> Various URLs have been proposed before:
>   * Library      Hostname+port over TCP/IP
>                  Unix domain socket
> 		 Export name
>   - Link for further information
>   - Notes
>   * libguestfs   nbd://example.com:port      (:port is optional)
>                  nbd://?socket=/socket
> 		 nbd://example.com:port/exportname
>                  nbd:///exportname?socket=/socket
>   - http://libguestfs.org/guestfish.1.html#a-nbd:-example.com-:port
>   - Cannot specify an export name without a leading '/' character
>   * QEMU         nbd:example.com:port
>                  nbd:unix:/socket
> 		 nbd:example.com:port:exportname=/export
>   - https://qemu.weilnetz.de/doc/qemu-doc.html#Device-URL-Syntax
>   - Not a real URL!

Qemu also supports actual URLs:


where the [...] blocks are optional (missing exportname requests the
default '' export, missing port defaults to 10809)

>   * Curl         nbd://example.com/
>                  nbd://example.com/exportname
>   - https://github.com/rwmjones/curl/commit/2aba3dd7d8f9b8e03a8c3435e7555ab9e195675a#diff-77ab3188c0ad08b7b9d8d9787c8e9d75
>   - Cannot specify an export name without a leading '/' character
>   - No Unix domain socket syntax was ever defined.
>   - Did not go upstream.
> The leading problem with the "obvious" NBD URL format seems to be that
> it's impossible to specify empty export names or export names which
> don't start with a '/' character.

The qemu format allows empty export names. 'nbd://hostname' and
'nbd://hostname/' are the same empty export, 'nbd://hostname//' is the
export named '/'.

> This is why I'd be inclined to use an extra URL parameter instead,
> like:
>   nbd://example.com[:port]/?export=exportname
> and for Unix domain sockets:
>   nbd:///?export=exportname&socket=/socket

The qemu solution was to use the 'nbd+unix://' protocol rather than the
bare 'nbd://' protocol to tell the difference between tcp and Unix
sockets, rather than trying to figure out from the rest of the URL which
context was implied.

> The export would be optional, defaulting to empty string.  IPv6
> addresses would work in the obvious way for URLs, using "[...]"
> around the address part (ie as in RFC 2732).  All escaping issues
> would work as for standard URLs.
> I think we should standardize this once and for all in a document in
> the NBD repository.
> Anyway let me know what you think and I will try to write something
> formal.
> Rich.

Eric Blake, Principal Software Engineer
Red Hat, Inc.           +1-919-301-3226
Virtualization:  qemu.org | libvirt.org

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