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[Nbd] [PATCH] nbd-server: Kill dead mainloop()

Unused since commit 6c2d8511.  Be the chainsaw mentioned in the comment :)

Signed-off-by: Eric Blake <eblake@...696...>

Applies to the master branch; will cause a (trivial) merge conflict with
the extensions-write-zeroes branch.

 nbd-server.c | 173 -----------------------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 173 deletions(-)

diff --git a/nbd-server.c b/nbd-server.c
index 3dcfadd..fec397b 100644
--- a/nbd-server.c
+++ b/nbd-server.c
@@ -2019,179 +2019,6 @@ static int mainloop_threaded(CLIENT* client) {
 		writeit(client->transactionlogfd, &reply, sizeof(reply)); }
 /** error macro. */
 #define ERROR(client,reply,errcode) { reply.error = nbd_errno(errcode); SEND(client,reply); reply.error = 0; }
- * Serve a file to a single client.
- *
- * @todo This beast needs to be split up in many tiny little manageable
- * pieces. Preferably with a chainsaw.
- *
- * @param client The client we're going to serve to.
- * @return when the client disconnects
- **/
-int mainloop(CLIENT *client) {
-	struct nbd_request request;
-	struct nbd_reply reply;
-	gboolean go_on=TRUE;
-#ifdef DODBG
-	int i = 0;
-	send_export_info(client);
-	DEBUG("Entering request loop!\n");
-	reply.magic = htonl(NBD_REPLY_MAGIC);
-	reply.error = 0;
-	while (go_on) {
-		char buf[BUFSIZE];
-		char* p;
-		size_t len;
-		size_t currlen;
-		size_t writelen;
-		uint16_t command;
-#ifdef DODBG
-		i++;
-		printf("%d: ", i);
-		socket_read(client, &request, sizeof(request));
-		if (client->transactionlogfd != -1)
-			writeit(client->transactionlogfd, &request, sizeof(request));
-		request.from = ntohll(request.from);
-		request.type = ntohl(request.type);
-		command = request.type & NBD_CMD_MASK_COMMAND;
-		len = ntohl(request.len);
-		DEBUG("%s from %llu (%llu) len %u, ", getcommandname(command),
-				(unsigned long long)request.from,
-				(unsigned long long)request.from / 512, len);
-		if (request.magic != htonl(NBD_REQUEST_MAGIC))
-			err("Not enough magic.");
-		memcpy(reply.handle, request.handle, sizeof(reply.handle));
-		if ((command==NBD_CMD_WRITE) || (command==NBD_CMD_READ) ||
-		    (command==NBD_CMD_TRIM)) {
-			if (request.from + len < request.from) { // 64 bit overflow!!
-				DEBUG("[Number too large!]");
-				ERROR(client, reply, EINVAL);
-				continue;
-			}
-			if (((off_t)request.from + len) > client->exportsize) {
-				DEBUG("[RANGE!]");
-				ERROR(client, reply, (command==NBD_CMD_WRITE) ? ENOSPC : EINVAL);
-				continue;
-			}
-			currlen = len;
-			if (currlen > BUFSIZE - sizeof(struct nbd_reply)) {
-				currlen = BUFSIZE - sizeof(struct nbd_reply);
-				if(!logged_oversized) {
-					msg(LOG_DEBUG, "oversized request (this is not a problem)");
-					logged_oversized = true;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		switch (command) {
-		case NBD_CMD_DISC:
-			msg(LOG_INFO, "Disconnect request received.");
-                	if (client->server->flags & F_COPYONWRITE) { 
-				if (client->difmap) g_free(client->difmap) ;
-                		close(client->difffile);
-				unlink(client->difffilename);
-				free(client->difffilename);
-			}
-			go_on=FALSE;
-			continue;
-		case NBD_CMD_WRITE:
-			DEBUG("wr: net->buf, ");
-			while(len > 0) {
-				socket_read(client, buf, currlen);
-				DEBUG("buf->exp, ");
-				if ((client->server->flags & F_READONLY) ||
-				    (client->server->flags & F_AUTOREADONLY)) {
-					DEBUG("[WRITE to READONLY!]");
-					ERROR(client, reply, EPERM);
-					consume(client, len-currlen, buf, BUFSIZE);
-					continue;
-				}
-				if (expwrite(request.from, buf, currlen, client,
-					     request.type & NBD_CMD_FLAG_FUA)) {
-					DEBUG("Write failed: %m" );
-					ERROR(client, reply, errno);
-					consume(client, len-currlen, buf, BUFSIZE);
-					continue;
-				}
-				len -= currlen;
-				request.from += currlen;
-				currlen = (len < BUFSIZE) ? len : BUFSIZE;
-			}
-			SEND(client, reply);
-			DEBUG("OK!\n");
-			continue;
-		case NBD_CMD_FLUSH:
-			DEBUG("fl: ");
-			if (expflush(client)) {
-				DEBUG("Flush failed: %m");
-				ERROR(client, reply, errno);
-				continue;
-			}
-			SEND(client, reply);
-			DEBUG("OK!\n");
-			continue;
-		case NBD_CMD_READ:
-			DEBUG("exp->buf, ");
-			if (client->transactionlogfd != -1)
-				writeit(client->transactionlogfd, &reply, sizeof(reply));
-			socket_write(client, &reply, sizeof(reply));
-			p = buf;
-			writelen = currlen;
-			while(len > 0) {
-				if (expread(request.from, p, currlen, client)) {
-					DEBUG("Read failed: %m");
-					ERROR(client, reply, errno);
-					continue;
-				}
-				DEBUG("buf->net, ");
-				socket_write(client, buf, writelen);
-				len -= currlen;
-				request.from += currlen;
-				currlen = (len < BUFSIZE) ? len : BUFSIZE;
-				p = buf;
-				writelen = currlen;
-			}
-			DEBUG("OK!\n");
-			continue;
-		case NBD_CMD_TRIM:
-			/* The kernel module sets discard_zeroes_data == 0,
-			 * so it is okay to do nothing.  */
-			if ((client->server->flags & F_READONLY) ||
-			    (client->server->flags & F_AUTOREADONLY)) {
-				DEBUG("[TRIM to READONLY!]");
-				ERROR(client, reply, EPERM);
-				continue;
-			}
-			if (exptrim(&request, client)) {
-				DEBUG("Trim failed: %m");
-				ERROR(client, reply, errno);
-				continue;
-			}
-			SEND(client, reply);
-			continue;
-		default:
-			DEBUG ("Ignoring unknown command\n");
-			continue;
-		}
-	}
-	return 0;

  * Set up client export array, which is an array of FILE_INFO.

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