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Re: [Nbd] [PATCH] Add "temporary" option, and ability to create files.

Hi Alex,

On Tue, May 31, 2011 at 10:54:09AM +0100, Alex Bligh wrote:
> This commit:
> * Adds a "temporary" option, which causes a unique file to be
>   created, which is unliked as soon as it is created (and thus
>   will not be present on exit). This is used for creation of
>   temporary disks.
> * Will create a file, if "filesize" is specified and the file
>   is not present or is zero length (useful in conjunction with the
>   above).

I'd created the 'prerun' and 'postrun' stuff so that this kind of
behaviour could be implemented without having to special-case it. While
I have nothing against this particular patch per se, I'd be interested
in learning why you feel they're not sufficient before I'll accept it.

> Available from git.alex.org.uk as usual.
> Wouter: please note my repo contains a revert of your recent patch
> to allow specification of the port in the config file, because it
> causes nbd-server to SEGV on "make check". You may or may not
> want to pull that.

In the future, it's preferable if you do not merge a broken commit,
rather than adding another commit that reverts it. Because now I have to
either cherry-pick your commits, or revert your revert commit, both of
which are rather confusing :-)

("git checkout 53122e4d232; git branch -D master; git branch master"
would've done that, if you'd already merged before)

I'll just do the cherry-pick thing this time, four commits isn't a huge
issue, but please remember that for the future.


The volume of a pizza of thickness a and radius z can be described by
the following formula:

pi zz a

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