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[Nbd] 2.9.16 released


I just released 2.9.16. Differences between 2.9.15 and 2.9.16 are mainly
in a rewrite of the command line handling of nbd-client; it now uses
getopt_long_only() rather than a broken home-grown command line
"handler". The advantages should be that it is far more flexible (it no
lnoger cares about ordering, except for the host, port, and device
options) and that it should be easier for me to add more options in the
future. I tried making it 100% compatible with previous releases; if I
missed something, feel free to report that as a bug.

There's also some documentation updates and some minor memory leaks that
were fixed


The biometric identification system at the gates of the CIA headquarters
works because there's a guard with a large gun making sure no one is
trying to fool the system.

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