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[Nbd] use g_option_context_parse() instead of getopt_long().

Hi Laurent,

For nontrivial patches, I prefer if you could send them to this
mailinglist, so they can be more easily reviewed. I'm sorry about the
delay last time; I'll try to be better in the future.

Anyway. General note: this seems to run amiss of the "if it ain't
broken, don't fix it" mantra. Also, I'm not 100% sure I think it's a
good idea to move nbd-server to one API for command line parsing, and
nbd-client to another (I had finally synchronized them in that regard

But I'm willing to go past all that if there's a compelling reason, of
course. What'd be the most important advantage?


+		{ "output-config", 'o', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_FILENAME,
+		  &outputconfig, "output a config file section for what you "
+		  "specified on the command line, with the specified section "
+		  "name",
+		  NULL },

That should probably be G_OPTION_ARG_STRING instead.

The biometric identification system at the gates of the CIA headquarters
works because there's a guard with a large gun making sure no one is
trying to fool the system.

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