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Re: [Nbd] svn -> git?

On Thu, Apr 17, 2008 at 5:13 AM, Wouter Verhelst <w@...112...> wrote:
> Hi,
>  I'm considering switching to git as an SCM system. I often find myself
>  on the train with my laptop, wanting to work on nbd, but being hampered
>  in that by the fact that I can't work with the repository while offline.
>  Additionally, git's ability to remember what has been merged and what
>  hasn't been, should help me keep track of what patches that should be
>  applied across all versions of nbd have been so applied, and which
>  haven't been. There have been problems in the past where a new .0
>  release still had some bugs in it that had already been fixed in the
>  past on the old branch, which is kindof embarrasing; I hope to be able
>  to avoid that in the future by proper merging.
>  Thoughts?

Switching to git is a great idea.  I say go for it; git really
simplified some projects I manage at work.  I have to imagine the
switch will impact how nbd code gets committed (you'll become the
gatekeeper); but you're the primary developer/committer anyway...
others don't _need_ commit access (so long as you don't fall off the
face of the earth).

>  Having said that, I should note that currently, I'm a git newbie; I read
>  the tutorial yesterday, and am playing with it a bit now, but I still
>  have a lot to learn. Before this switch will happen, I'll obviously have
>  to understand quite a bit more about how the git system works...

Yes, the git learning curve is... "fun".  But once you get to a
certain point you'll be glad you took the plunge.


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