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[Nbd] svn -> git?


I'm considering switching to git as an SCM system. I often find myself
on the train with my laptop, wanting to work on nbd, but being hampered
in that by the fact that I can't work with the repository while offline.
Additionally, git's ability to remember what has been merged and what
hasn't been, should help me keep track of what patches that should be
applied across all versions of nbd have been so applied, and which
haven't been. There have been problems in the past where a new .0
release still had some bugs in it that had already been fixed in the
past on the old branch, which is kindof embarrasing; I hope to be able
to avoid that in the future by proper merging.


Having said that, I should note that currently, I'm a git newbie; I read
the tutorial yesterday, and am playing with it a bit now, but I still
have a lot to learn. Before this switch will happen, I'll obviously have
to understand quite a bit more about how the git system works...

<Lo-lan-do> Home is where you have to wash the dishes.
  -- #debian-devel, Freenode, 2004-09-22

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