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Re: [Nbd] NBD wishlist items?

On 6/19/07, Mike Snitzer <snitzer@...17...> wrote:
On 6/18/07, Wouter Verhelst <w@...112...> wrote:
> Hi!
> I've been working on NBD pretty much in a vacuum for most of the time,
> with the only input from other people being mostly bugreports.
> I know you LTSP people use NBD in a number of cases, and that you guys
> use some wrapper scripts. Which is cool and all, I guess, but I'd think
> it'd be better if you could do whatever you need to do without having to
> use wrapper scripts. Right?
> So, if there's any feature request you guys have, it'd be cool if you
> could communicate them to me. No guarantee I'll implement them within
> any defined amount of time (unless the request is accompanied by patches
> ;-), but I do plan to eventually implement them.


I've got one I'd like to run by you: have the nbd-client detect that
the kernel's nbd connection to the nbd-server is unresponsive.

There is a window of time where a potentially long TCP timeout
prevents the nbd (in kernel) from erroring out back to userspace
(nbd-client).  But if the nbd-client could feel that the nbd isn't
behaving the nbd-client could send a SIGKILL down to the kernel (nbd
driver already aborts TCP transmit if a SIGKILL is received).

Thinking through this a bit further it feels like this monitoring
would be best left outside of the nbd-client because the associated
code _could_ undermine the integrity of the nbd-client itself.  Not to
mention it would pollute the nbd-client code.  If anything it should
be a separate 'nbd-monitor'.


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