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Re: [Nbd] NBD wishlist items?

On 6/18/07, Wouter Verhelst <w@...112...> wrote:

I've been working on NBD pretty much in a vacuum for most of the time,
with the only input from other people being mostly bugreports.

I know you LTSP people use NBD in a number of cases, and that you guys
use some wrapper scripts. Which is cool and all, I guess, but I'd think
it'd be better if you could do whatever you need to do without having to
use wrapper scripts. Right?

So, if there's any feature request you guys have, it'd be cool if you
could communicate them to me. No guarantee I'll implement them within
any defined amount of time (unless the request is accompanied by patches
;-), but I do plan to eventually implement them.


I've got one I'd like to run by you: have the nbd-client detect that
the kernel's nbd connection to the nbd-server is unresponsive.

There is a window of time where a potentially long TCP timeout
prevents the nbd (in kernel) from erroring out back to userspace
(nbd-client).  But if the nbd-client could feel that the nbd isn't
behaving the nbd-client could send a SIGKILL down to the kernel (nbd
driver already aborts TCP transmit if a SIGKILL is received).

Any ideas on how we might pull this off?


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