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Transient failures


I'm getting a number of transient errors in the test suites. Basically,
every other run of the test suite will have some random test fail;
but rerunning the test suite will, generally, clear it up.

These include:

POSIX.os/procprim/fork/T.fork-5 UNRESOLVED
    520|420 5 00011345 1 1|deletion reason: tms_utime and tms_stime are not
    520|420 5 00011345 1 2|both non-zero before fork()
    520|420 5 00011345 1 3| utime: 4; stime: 0
    220|420 5 2 16:53:16|UNRESOLVED

    (i have _no_ idea. I got this a couple of times; restored from backup,
     reinstalled the appropriate debs, reran, and things worked again...
     `time ls' from the command line seemed to work fine, fwiw)

LSB.os/mfiles/msync_P/T.msync_P-1 FAIL
    520|591 1 00005719 1 1|st_mtime is Thu Aug 15 11:38:53 2002
    520|591 1 00005719 1 2|expected greater than Thu Aug 15 11:38:54 2002
    220|591 1 1 11:38:58|FAIL

    (this seems like a test case bug: ASYNC msync won't be guaranteed to
     have written anything by the time the sleep() finishes... No idea what
     you could do about this except increase how long you sleep, though...)

LSB.os/files/dev_tty/T.dev_tty-1 UNRESOLVED
    520|507 1 00009328 2 1|child process was terminated by signal 1 (SIGHUP)
    220|507 1 2 01:36:47|UNRESOLVED

    (also no idea)

POSIX.os/files/stat/T.stat-3 FAIL
    520|326 3 00004454 1 1|stat("stat-t.3", buf) set st_atime incorrectly: 
                           expected 1029490011, observed 1029490010
    520|326 3 00004454 1 2|stat("stat-t.3", buf) set st_mtime incorrectly: 
                           expected 1029490011, observed 1029490010
    520|326 3 00004454 1 3|stat("stat-t.3", buf) set st_ctime incorrectly: 
                           expected 1029490011, observed 1029490010
    220|326 3 1 19:26:52|FAIL

    (no idea here, either. this is running on a completely minimal
     system -- Debian base, lsb stuff, and a handful of other things. no
     ntpd or anything fancy like that)

I hate randomness :(

The system's a 1200MHz Duron (according to /proc/cpuinfo), fwiw, if
speed could be an issue.


Anthony Towns <aj@humbug.org.au> <http://azure.humbug.org.au/~aj/>
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 ``If you don't do it now, you'll be one year older when you do.''

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