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Re: Testing considerations for an SI

At 2002/7/17 10:09-0700  Wichmann, Mats D writes:
> So to make this work, you must:
> (a) put a syslog and a working syslog.conf into the si
> (b) stop the host system's syslogd
> (c) start the chroot
> (d) deal with other stuff (the mounts)
> (e) start the syslogd
> (f) run login, and log in as vsx0 (NOTE: *still*
>     not sure if this is sufficient to handle all
>     the logged-in-as tests)
> (e) run the tests
> (f) clean up
> (g) quit the chroot
> Kind of a pain, but I guess ordinary folks won't be
> doing this sort of stuff.

Hi Mats,

Perhaps you could write some scripts which do the setup and removal?
This would make it a lot easier for others to follow your work (easily
repeatable) and also serve as a form of documentation of the procedure

At 2002/7/17 12:20-0700  Sean 'Shaleh' Perry writes:
> Much of what you describe could be fixed by using Stuart's suggestion of
> UserMode Linux.  However this won't help you on ia64.

Or ppc32. We'll have to do testing of the SI on archictectures which
don't support UML so it'd be helpful to have a general solution available.


IBM OzLabs Linux Development Group
Canberra, Australia

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