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test_suite have infinite delay on /tset/LSB.os/mprotect/mprotect_P/T.mprotect_P-4

 Used test_suite package: lsb-runtime-test-1.1.9-1.i386.rpm

 I did tests on our new system and got problems during testing on

  /tset/LSB.os/mprotect/mprotect_P/T.mprotect_P-4 test. Here I have
 infinite delay. I am skipping test using ctrl+c , and after that test
 works without problems.

On our previous distribution I did not have such kind of problems(but it was tested on 1.1.8). What could be the reason of problem?


Mr. Yaroslav Popovitch     			- tel. +372 6419975
SOT Finnish Software Engineering Ltd.   	- fax  +372 6419876
Kreutzwaldi 7-4, 10124  TALLINN         	- http://www.sot.com/
ESTONIA                                 	- http://sotlinux.net/

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