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Re: aio LSB testcases

Hi Tom,

At 2002/5/10 13:27-0500  Tom Gall writes:
> Firstly I went through the aio test sources and in many places commented
> out the xx_rpt(UNSUPPORTED) call. Specifically these were the calls
> located at the end of various test functions on the mainline code path. 

I'm not very familiar with the aio testcases, but if they are set to
UNSUPPORTED then its possible that those specific testcases are not
meant to be used any more (eg due to spec changes, or were previously
found to be wrong) and have been left in the suite to preserve the

> aio/Maio_cancel/T.aio_cancel etc basically tests of the form that have
> the M in front of their directory name are still counted as being "Not
> in Use" in the report. Why? What's causing this? How do I undo that? 
> Where do these "M" test variations come from? What are they supposed to
> be doing?   I sorta assumed they used the exact same code as the non M
> versions but perhaps were built differently. 

The M versions are the autogenerated macro versions of the tests and
if they're reporting "Not In Use" its because the interfaces being
tested aren't macros.

> > test with pipe
> testing not supported on pipes
> > test with pty
> etc...
> How does it know? What decided that testing is not supported or even
> appropriate with pipes, tty, pty etc. What does testing with pipe really
> mean here?

I've seen this error as well but I don't know what causes it.


IBM OzLabs Linux Development Group
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